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Addressing the Investors Dilemma Using Pairs Trading - Co-Integrational Study of Indian Stocks

1 Department of Finance, International School of Business and Media, India
2 Department of Finance, Hazrat Khajar Bashir Unani Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Foundation, Bangladesh
3 Department of Management, Institute of Innovation in Technology and Management, India

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The increasing volatility in stock, commodities and foreign exchange markets compel investors and scholars to look for strategies which would immunize the investors against the unprecedented movement of the markets. Investors are often at dilemma to take correct positions to offset the risks in the market. This effort to offset market risk led to discovery of several market-neutral investment strategies of which a very popular one is Pairs Trading. It essentially involves taking opposite positions in two highly correlated assets. This study is on identifying pairs of stocks in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) which are suitable for pairs trading. The method of cointegration, both in long and short run, have been utilized in this study. Related statistical concepts of autocorrelation and stationarity have also been used in the study.


Pairs Trading, NSE, Cointegration, Autocorrelation, Stationarity
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  • Addressing the Investors Dilemma Using Pairs Trading - Co-Integrational Study of Indian Stocks

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Rajib Bhattacharya
Department of Finance, International School of Business and Media, India
Shuvashish Roy
Department of Finance, Hazrat Khajar Bashir Unani Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Foundation, Bangladesh
Sarmistha Sarma
Department of Management, Institute of Innovation in Technology and Management, India


The increasing volatility in stock, commodities and foreign exchange markets compel investors and scholars to look for strategies which would immunize the investors against the unprecedented movement of the markets. Investors are often at dilemma to take correct positions to offset the risks in the market. This effort to offset market risk led to discovery of several market-neutral investment strategies of which a very popular one is Pairs Trading. It essentially involves taking opposite positions in two highly correlated assets. This study is on identifying pairs of stocks in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) which are suitable for pairs trading. The method of cointegration, both in long and short run, have been utilized in this study. Related statistical concepts of autocorrelation and stationarity have also been used in the study.


Pairs Trading, NSE, Cointegration, Autocorrelation, Stationarity
