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A Method of Multi-Channel Data Reception and Processing Noise for Short Distance Detection Doppler Radar

1 Institute of Information Science, Kim Il Sung University, D.P.R. of Korea, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

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In short distance detection Doppler radar signal processing, the communication and processing problems of various measurement and control signals such as mass data which are high speed A/D converted intermediate frequency signals of transmission and reception terminals and azimuth angle, altitude are suggested. In this paper we suggest one method for time sharing data communication and noise processing by determining threshold by using the transmission line of limited bits in connection of analog circuits consisting of electromagnetic transmission and reception antenna and various control, measuring circuits and FPGA+DSP type digital signal processing circuits and showed experiment results.


Doppler, DSP+FPGA, Digital Signal Processing System.
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  • A Method of Multi-Channel Data Reception and Processing Noise for Short Distance Detection Doppler Radar

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Dok Gil Kang
Institute of Information Science, Kim Il Sung University, D.P.R. of Korea, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Jang Su Kim
Institute of Information Science, Kim Il Sung University, D.P.R. of Korea, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Il Han
Institute of Information Science, Kim Il Sung University, D.P.R. of Korea, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Kyong Chol Rim
Institute of Information Science, Kim Il Sung University, D.P.R. of Korea, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of


In short distance detection Doppler radar signal processing, the communication and processing problems of various measurement and control signals such as mass data which are high speed A/D converted intermediate frequency signals of transmission and reception terminals and azimuth angle, altitude are suggested. In this paper we suggest one method for time sharing data communication and noise processing by determining threshold by using the transmission line of limited bits in connection of analog circuits consisting of electromagnetic transmission and reception antenna and various control, measuring circuits and FPGA+DSP type digital signal processing circuits and showed experiment results.


Doppler, DSP+FPGA, Digital Signal Processing System.
