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A Survey on Blind Super Resolution of Real-Life Video Sequences

1 Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
2 ECE Department, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

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Super Resolution (SR) for real-life video sequences is a challenging problem due to complex nature of the motion fields. In this paper, a novel blind SR method is proposed to improve the spatial resolution of video sequences, while the overall pointspread function of the imaging system, motion fields, and noise statistics are unknown. To estimate the blur(s), first, a nonuniform interpolation SR method is utilized to upsample the frames, and then, the blur(s) is(are) estimated through a multiscale process. The blur estimation process is initially performed on a few emphasized edges and gradually on more edges as the iterations continue. Also for faster convergence, the blur is estimated in the filter domain rather than the pixel domain. The high-resolution frames are estimated using a cost function that has the fidelity and regularization terms of type Huber-Markov random field to preserve edges and fine details. The fidelity term is adaptively weighted at each iteration using a masking operation to suppress artifacts due to inaccurate motions. Very promising results are obtained for real-life videos containing detailed structures, complex motions, fast-moving objects, deformable regions, or severe brightness changes. The proposed method outperforms the state of the art in all performed experiments through both subjective and objective evaluations.


Blind Estimation, Blur Deconvolution, Huber Markov Random Field (HMRF), Video Super Resolution.
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  • A Survey on Blind Super Resolution of Real-Life Video Sequences

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A. Susmitha
Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
V. Kiran Kumar
ECE Department, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
P. Anitha
ECE Department, Malla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


Super Resolution (SR) for real-life video sequences is a challenging problem due to complex nature of the motion fields. In this paper, a novel blind SR method is proposed to improve the spatial resolution of video sequences, while the overall pointspread function of the imaging system, motion fields, and noise statistics are unknown. To estimate the blur(s), first, a nonuniform interpolation SR method is utilized to upsample the frames, and then, the blur(s) is(are) estimated through a multiscale process. The blur estimation process is initially performed on a few emphasized edges and gradually on more edges as the iterations continue. Also for faster convergence, the blur is estimated in the filter domain rather than the pixel domain. The high-resolution frames are estimated using a cost function that has the fidelity and regularization terms of type Huber-Markov random field to preserve edges and fine details. The fidelity term is adaptively weighted at each iteration using a masking operation to suppress artifacts due to inaccurate motions. Very promising results are obtained for real-life videos containing detailed structures, complex motions, fast-moving objects, deformable regions, or severe brightness changes. The proposed method outperforms the state of the art in all performed experiments through both subjective and objective evaluations.


Blind Estimation, Blur Deconvolution, Huber Markov Random Field (HMRF), Video Super Resolution.
