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Software Effort Estimation Framework to Improve Organization Productivity Using Emotion Recognition of Software Engineers in Spontaneous Speech

1 School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai Campus, India
2 Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, India

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Productivity is a very important part of any organisation in general and software industry in particular. Now a day's Software Effort estimation is a challenging task. Both Effort and Productivity are inter-related to each other. This can be achieved from the employee's of the organization. Every organisation requires emotionally stable employees in their firm for seamless and progressive working. Of course, in other industries this may be achieved without man power. But, software project development is labour intensive activity. Each line of code should be delivered from software engineer. Tools and techniques may helpful and act as aid or supplementary. Whatever be the reason software industry has been suffering with success rate. Software industry is facing lot of problems in delivering the project on time and within the estimated budget limit. If we want to estimate the required effort of the project it is significant to know the emotional state of the team member. The responsibility of ensuring emotional contentment falls on the human resource department and the department can deploy a series of systems to carry out its survey. This analysis can be done using a variety of tools, one such, is through study of emotion recognition. The data needed for this is readily available and collectable and can be an excellent source for the feedback systems. The challenge of recognition of emotion in speech is convoluted primarily due to the noisy recording condition, the variations in sentiment in sample space and exhibition of multiple emotions in a single sentence. The ambiguity in the labels of training set also increases the complexity of problem addressed. The existing models using probabilistic models have dominated the study but present a flaw in scalability due to statistical inefficiency. The problem of sentiment prediction in spontaneous speech can thus be addressed using a hybrid system comprising of a Convolution Neural Network and Hidden Markov Model.


Estimation, Productivity, Deep Neural Networks, CNN, Sentiment Prediction, Spontaneous Speech, HMM.
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  • Software Effort Estimation Framework to Improve Organization Productivity Using Emotion Recognition of Software Engineers in Spontaneous Speech

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B. V. A. N. S. S. Prabhakar Rao
School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai Campus, India
P. Seetha Ramaiah
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Andhra University, India


Productivity is a very important part of any organisation in general and software industry in particular. Now a day's Software Effort estimation is a challenging task. Both Effort and Productivity are inter-related to each other. This can be achieved from the employee's of the organization. Every organisation requires emotionally stable employees in their firm for seamless and progressive working. Of course, in other industries this may be achieved without man power. But, software project development is labour intensive activity. Each line of code should be delivered from software engineer. Tools and techniques may helpful and act as aid or supplementary. Whatever be the reason software industry has been suffering with success rate. Software industry is facing lot of problems in delivering the project on time and within the estimated budget limit. If we want to estimate the required effort of the project it is significant to know the emotional state of the team member. The responsibility of ensuring emotional contentment falls on the human resource department and the department can deploy a series of systems to carry out its survey. This analysis can be done using a variety of tools, one such, is through study of emotion recognition. The data needed for this is readily available and collectable and can be an excellent source for the feedback systems. The challenge of recognition of emotion in speech is convoluted primarily due to the noisy recording condition, the variations in sentiment in sample space and exhibition of multiple emotions in a single sentence. The ambiguity in the labels of training set also increases the complexity of problem addressed. The existing models using probabilistic models have dominated the study but present a flaw in scalability due to statistical inefficiency. The problem of sentiment prediction in spontaneous speech can thus be addressed using a hybrid system comprising of a Convolution Neural Network and Hidden Markov Model.


Estimation, Productivity, Deep Neural Networks, CNN, Sentiment Prediction, Spontaneous Speech, HMM.
