Performance and Emission Assessments for Different Acetone Gasoline Blends Powered Spark Ignition Engine
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Acetone-gasoline fuel is considered as one of the promising alternative fuels in recent years and it is promoted as being able to overcome the difficulty of simultaneously reducing the exhaust emissions and improving of gasoline engine performance. This manuscript experimentally investigates the engine performance and on the main pollutant emissions for a single cylinder, four-stroke, spark-ignition engine powered by gasoline fuels of two different acetone-gasoline blends namely AC5 (5 vol. % acetone + 95 vol. % gasoline) and AC10. The experiments were conducted in the speed range from 1000 to 3600 rpm. The SI engine was connected to eddy current dynamometer with electronic control unit (ECU) and an exhaust gas analyzer. It was found that, in general, as the percentage of acetone added to gasoline increases in the blends, the engine performance improved. Numerically, it was found that the AC10 had a higher engine brake power, thermal efficiency, volumetric efficiency and BSFC with 4.39%, 6.9%, 7.2% and 5.2 percent respectively than those of pure gasoline. Furthermore, the use of acetone with gasoline fuel reduces exhaust emission concentrations by 26.3%, 30.3%, 6.6% and 4.4% for CO, UHC, NOx and CO2 respectively.
Acetone, Spark Ignition Engine, Performance, Emission Control, Combustion, Gasoline.
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