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Leadership Theories and Healthcare: An Overview

1 Physician and Health Policy Specialist; Executive Editor, The Indian Practitioner., India

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Leadership research is a buzzing, dynamic, and perpetually evolving area, with leadership having a plethora of different interpretations. Over time, leadership study and practice has moved from a predominantly vertical, top-down paradigm to one which is more horizontal and side-to-side. This paper briefly explores the different mainstream theories of leadership, with a focus on healthcare and public health. Greater penetration of evidence-based, transformational leadership approaches remains important in healthcare.


leadership, healthcare, transformational, transactional, charismatic, public health.
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  • Leadership Theories and Healthcare: An Overview

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Soham D. Bhaduri
Physician and Health Policy Specialist; Executive Editor, The Indian Practitioner., India


Leadership research is a buzzing, dynamic, and perpetually evolving area, with leadership having a plethora of different interpretations. Over time, leadership study and practice has moved from a predominantly vertical, top-down paradigm to one which is more horizontal and side-to-side. This paper briefly explores the different mainstream theories of leadership, with a focus on healthcare and public health. Greater penetration of evidence-based, transformational leadership approaches remains important in healthcare.


leadership, healthcare, transformational, transactional, charismatic, public health.
