Synthesis and Characterization of CDS Nanoparticles from Single Molecular Complex:Bis-(Thiourea)Cadmium(II)Acetate
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Metal Complex,bis-(thiourea)cadmium(II) acetate, have been successfully synthesized through reaction between thiourea with cadmium acetate in 1:2 ratio and characterized by spectroscopic analysis. The obtained complexhas been used as precursor andthermolyzedat 100°Cin ethylene glycol for the growth of crystalline CdS nanocompounds without using any external capping agents. The broadening of diffraction peaks in the X-ray diffractogramdepicted the nano-sized particles. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) providesnon-spherical and irregular aggregates of particles size about 5.5 nm which were also confirmed by the measurement of crystallite size using Scherrer equation for the peaks of XRD. The emission spectra of nano-size CdS compounds showed the red shift (606 nm) than the bulk material.
Cadmium Acetate, Metal Complex, Solvothermal, Nanocrystallites, Absorption and Emission Spectra.
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