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Correlations of Pulse Parameters and Bead Characteristics in Pulsed Current Flux Cored Gmaw Process

1 Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mech. & Ind. Engg. University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 67, India

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Characteristics of weld bead, deposited on steel plate by pulsed current gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process using flux cored steel wire, are studied. Variations in bead geometry and dilution are correlated to pulse parameters like mean current (Im), Pulse frequency (f) and pulse duration (tp). During pulse current welding the effect of arc voltage and welding speed on the bead geometry and dilution has also been investigated. It is observed that the change in any pulse parameter, as said above, significantly influences the peak (Ip) and base (lb) currents of the pulse and consequently affects the bead geometry and dilution. The change in arc voltage is also found to affect the Ip and lb of the pulse. A summarized influence of pulse parameters defined by a factor 0, as a function of Ip, lb, f and tb (pulse off time) has been found to be satisfactorily correlated to the bead geometry and dilution. The bead geometry and dilution observed in pulsed current GMAW process are compared to those found in continuous current GMAW process.
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  • Correlations of Pulse Parameters and Bead Characteristics in Pulsed Current Flux Cored Gmaw Process

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P. K. Ghosh
Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mech. & Ind. Engg. University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 67, India
B. K. Rai
Welding Research Laboratory, Deptt. of Mech. & Ind. Engg. University of Roorkee, Roorkee - 247 67, India


Characteristics of weld bead, deposited on steel plate by pulsed current gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process using flux cored steel wire, are studied. Variations in bead geometry and dilution are correlated to pulse parameters like mean current (Im), Pulse frequency (f) and pulse duration (tp). During pulse current welding the effect of arc voltage and welding speed on the bead geometry and dilution has also been investigated. It is observed that the change in any pulse parameter, as said above, significantly influences the peak (Ip) and base (lb) currents of the pulse and consequently affects the bead geometry and dilution. The change in arc voltage is also found to affect the Ip and lb of the pulse. A summarized influence of pulse parameters defined by a factor 0, as a function of Ip, lb, f and tb (pulse off time) has been found to be satisfactorily correlated to the bead geometry and dilution. The bead geometry and dilution observed in pulsed current GMAW process are compared to those found in continuous current GMAW process.