Analysis of Fatigue Design Recommendations for Aluminum Weldments with Imperfections
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The available fatigue data on weld imperfections regarding weld toe angle (WTA) and linear misalignment (LM) in the joints of Al-alloys reported by several workers has been mathematically and statistically analyzed to derive the sets of fatigue design curves for quantitative comparison with those recommended by the Eurocode. It is envisaged that as reference the newly derived design curves can assist in designing under dynamic loading with better understanding of the recommendations compared to the design curves of recommended standards. Further, for the defects like lack of penetration (LOP) and lack of fusion (LOF) the validity and shortcomings of the recommended limits of imperfection of Euronorm are evaluated with respect to the analysis put forward by the newly derived design curves. The critical analysis has proposed certain more preferable logical recommendations on economically acceptable limits of weld defects especially for the high cost intensive structures at high cycle range of 5 ×105 to 5 ×106, which should be verified further with more experimental data in this area prior to its practical implementation.

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