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Experimental Investigation of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy AA6010 Joint

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering T.K.R. College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – 500097, India

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The features like low weight, low cost with moderate strength of aluminium (Al) alloys fascinate various modern industries to replace steels in different applications. The newly invented FSW (Friction Stir Welding) is well suited for Al alloys compared to other conventional welding processes. The solid-state type of this process overcomes melt-related defects when compared to fusion welding processes. It also overcomes many other defects like voids, cracks, and distortion and forms sound weld joint. FSW joints show a fine clear grain structure in the weld nugget area compared to the parent material. In this investigation, tensile properties and microhardness properties of Al AA6010-T6 alloy are studied.


FSW, Al AA6010-T6 Alloy, Tensile Strength, Microhardness.
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  • Experimental Investigation of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy AA6010 Joint

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G. Gopala Krishna
Department of Mechanical Engineering T.K.R. College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad – 500097, India


The features like low weight, low cost with moderate strength of aluminium (Al) alloys fascinate various modern industries to replace steels in different applications. The newly invented FSW (Friction Stir Welding) is well suited for Al alloys compared to other conventional welding processes. The solid-state type of this process overcomes melt-related defects when compared to fusion welding processes. It also overcomes many other defects like voids, cracks, and distortion and forms sound weld joint. FSW joints show a fine clear grain structure in the weld nugget area compared to the parent material. In this investigation, tensile properties and microhardness properties of Al AA6010-T6 alloy are studied.


FSW, Al AA6010-T6 Alloy, Tensile Strength, Microhardness.
