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Performance on the Evaluation of Pilot Cashew Nut Processing Unit

1 Department of Agricultural Process Engineering, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Talsande, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
2 Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Research National Agricultural Research Project, Shenda Park, Karveer (M.S.), India

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Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is one of the important tropical crops. India is largest producer, processor, exporter and consumer of it in the world. The recovery of the kernel (edible meat portion) from raw nuts by mechanical or manual means refers to processing of cashew nut. It consists of various processes in series viz., moisture conditioning, roasting, shelling, drying, peeling, grading and packing etc. A small cashew processing unit consisting of steamer, cooker, shelling machine and dryer was tested for its performance for the cashew nut variety 'Vengurla-5' (Ansure Arli). The unit has received at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Shenda Park; Kolhapur under "Technology Park" sanctioned Commissioner, Agriculture M.S. and Pune. The six treatments consisting of various combinations for pressure and time were evaluated for the performance of unit. The study revealed that treatment combination (4.5 kg/cm2 and 20 min) gain maximum recovery of whole kernels as well as over all recovery of kernels, with minimum moisture content, which is desirable for good quality product in the markets. The treatment condition consisting of keeping raw cashew nut at 4.5 kg/cm2 pressure for 20 minutes duration for the given processing unit is best for maximum recovery of good quality kernels and overall total recovery of kernels with minimum moisture content.


Cashew Nut, Maximum Recovery of Kernel, Moisture Content.
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  • Performance on the Evaluation of Pilot Cashew Nut Processing Unit

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S. N. Bansude
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Talsande, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
A. A. Shinde
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Talsande, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
P. D. Ukey
Department of Agricultural Process Engineering, Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Talsande, Kolhapur (M.S.), India
G. L. Chunale
Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Research National Agricultural Research Project, Shenda Park, Karveer (M.S.), India


Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) is one of the important tropical crops. India is largest producer, processor, exporter and consumer of it in the world. The recovery of the kernel (edible meat portion) from raw nuts by mechanical or manual means refers to processing of cashew nut. It consists of various processes in series viz., moisture conditioning, roasting, shelling, drying, peeling, grading and packing etc. A small cashew processing unit consisting of steamer, cooker, shelling machine and dryer was tested for its performance for the cashew nut variety 'Vengurla-5' (Ansure Arli). The unit has received at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Shenda Park; Kolhapur under "Technology Park" sanctioned Commissioner, Agriculture M.S. and Pune. The six treatments consisting of various combinations for pressure and time were evaluated for the performance of unit. The study revealed that treatment combination (4.5 kg/cm2 and 20 min) gain maximum recovery of whole kernels as well as over all recovery of kernels, with minimum moisture content, which is desirable for good quality product in the markets. The treatment condition consisting of keeping raw cashew nut at 4.5 kg/cm2 pressure for 20 minutes duration for the given processing unit is best for maximum recovery of good quality kernels and overall total recovery of kernels with minimum moisture content.


Cashew Nut, Maximum Recovery of Kernel, Moisture Content.
