Knowledge and Attitude on Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) Among Diabetic Patients belongs to Waghodia Taluka
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Background: Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been accepted as an important instrument that empowers people with diabetes to achieve and maintain therapeutic goalsThis study is
Aims and Objective:1] To assess the level of knowledge on self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) among of diabetic patients. 2] Assess the Attitude on self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) among of diabetic patients. 3] Find out the Correlation between level of Knowledge and Attitude on self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) among diabetic patients. 4] Find out the association between levels of knowledge with selected demographic variables of diabetes mellitus patients. 5] Find out the association between attitudes with selected demographic variables of diabetes mellitus patients in Waghodia Taluka.
Methods: The interventional study was conducted andsample consisted of 200 patients of selected area of Waghodia Taluka. The tools used for data collection was a set demographic variables. Interview scale will be used to assess the knowledge and Likert scale will be used to assess the Attitude on SMBG. A planned teaching program on knowledge and attitude on SMBG among diabetic patients belongs to waghodia taluka was the intervention of the study. Content validity of the tool was ensured by verifying it with experts from the field of medicine and nursing. In the data gathering process, a pre-test was administered to assess the knowledge level of sample on the same day was conducted. After 7th day post test was administered using the same set of questionnaire to assess the knowledge.
Interpretation: The result showed that negative correlation between knowledge and attitude on SMBG in among diabetic patient belong to Waghodia Taluka.
Conclusion: The motivated the diabetic patient about knowledge and attitude on SMBG in diabetic patient. It has given a new avenue to the researcher to widen the horizon on move research aspect of knowledge and attitude on SMBG in diabetic patient.
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