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Leadership Roles of Nurses in Assessing and Managing Psychosocial Problems of Type 2 Diabetes in India

1 Obstetrics and gynecology Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
2 Child Health Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
3 Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India

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Background and Objectives: In 2016, the WHO adopted the theme of 'Diabetes' affording an excellent opportunity for nurses to go beyond their traditional routine duties and play significant leadership roles in complementing the medical therapies by addressing the psychosocial problems among adult type 2 diabetes patients and their feedback on how nurses can help .Hence a research project was done by nurses during 2016 in assessing the problems and seeking solutions Material and Methods: The study was done at a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore city in south India on all new outpatients above 15 years diagnosed as type 2 diabetics. Qualified graduate nurses were trained to carry out an in-depth interview after obtaining informed consent, using a specially prepared research schedule containing an inventory of all major psychosocial problems, underlying reasons and feedback on how nurses can help. Data were computerized and analyzed by Statistical software. Results: A sample 0f 200 patients were studied, 102 men and 98 women.65% were Hindus, 86% were married 70% were from nuclear families and 60% were literate. Nearly 70% were on Oral medication only, 80% had no side effects, 90% were regular in medications and claimed to be in good health. However, almost all patients had some psychosocial problem, nearly one-third were depressed, afraid and worried. More than half the patients, sought help from nurses for education, counseling, dietary advice and advice on better medical care. There were no significant differences by age or gender. Interpretation and Conclusions: Psychosocial problems complicate medical therapy and need systematic attention especially by nurses in education, counseling and coping skills. Further research is needed on best methods of intervention and on the need for continuing nursing education to offer support to diabetic patients for maintaining a high quality of life despite various obstacles and constraints.


Type 2 Diabetes, Psychosocial Issues, Nursing Roles, India.
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  • Leadership Roles of Nurses in Assessing and Managing Psychosocial Problems of Type 2 Diabetes in India

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Sheela Victor
Obstetrics and gynecology Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
Sarah Johnson
Child Health Nursing, Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
S. Parimala
Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
C. Arpana Joy
Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India
P. S. Sundar Rao
Institute of Nursing, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore, India


Background and Objectives: In 2016, the WHO adopted the theme of 'Diabetes' affording an excellent opportunity for nurses to go beyond their traditional routine duties and play significant leadership roles in complementing the medical therapies by addressing the psychosocial problems among adult type 2 diabetes patients and their feedback on how nurses can help .Hence a research project was done by nurses during 2016 in assessing the problems and seeking solutions Material and Methods: The study was done at a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore city in south India on all new outpatients above 15 years diagnosed as type 2 diabetics. Qualified graduate nurses were trained to carry out an in-depth interview after obtaining informed consent, using a specially prepared research schedule containing an inventory of all major psychosocial problems, underlying reasons and feedback on how nurses can help. Data were computerized and analyzed by Statistical software. Results: A sample 0f 200 patients were studied, 102 men and 98 women.65% were Hindus, 86% were married 70% were from nuclear families and 60% were literate. Nearly 70% were on Oral medication only, 80% had no side effects, 90% were regular in medications and claimed to be in good health. However, almost all patients had some psychosocial problem, nearly one-third were depressed, afraid and worried. More than half the patients, sought help from nurses for education, counseling, dietary advice and advice on better medical care. There were no significant differences by age or gender. Interpretation and Conclusions: Psychosocial problems complicate medical therapy and need systematic attention especially by nurses in education, counseling and coping skills. Further research is needed on best methods of intervention and on the need for continuing nursing education to offer support to diabetic patients for maintaining a high quality of life despite various obstacles and constraints.


Type 2 Diabetes, Psychosocial Issues, Nursing Roles, India.