A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Programme Regarding Assertive Behaviour and Self-Esteem among Adolescents Studying in Selected High Schools at Bagalkot Karnataka.
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Background of the study: Assertiveness is a particular mode of communication. Assertiveness training is an one of the most effective management for the client with assertive behaviour and low self-esteem. Hence the investigator felt the need to evaluate the effectiveness of assertiveness training programme on assertive behaviour and self-esteem.
Method: This was True experimental study with pre-test- post-test control design with 60 adolescents, selected through multi-stage random sampling technique and assigned 30 adolescents to experimental group and 30 adolescents to control group by using computer generated random numbers. Data was collected using a Self Administered Modified Rathus assertiveness schedule to assess the assertive behaviour and Rosenberg’s selfesteem inventory scale to assess the self-esteem of adolescents. Assertiveness training was administered 45 minutes for 7 consecutive school days for experimental group. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical in terms of mean, frequency distribution, percentage, mean percentage, paired‘t’ test, Unpaired ‘t’ test and chi-square test.
Results: Findings related to significance of difference between post-test assertive behaviour and self-esteem scores of experimental group and control group subjects revealed that, a statistically significant difference was found between post-test assertive behaviour scores of experimental group and control group subjects [t=10.78 (table value= 1.96), p<0.05]. Similarly there was a statistically significant difference found between post-test self-esteem scores of experiment group and control group subjects [t= 9.25 (Table value= 1.96), p<0.05].
Interpretation and Conclusion: The study proved that Assertiveness training programme on assertive behaviour and self- esteem among adolescents was effective, scientific, logical and cost effective strategy.
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