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A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Family Planning Methods among Eligible Couples in Selected Villages of Mehsana District

1 Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Tal-Visnagar, Dist-Mehsana (Gujarat), India

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Background - The nationwide family planning program was started in India in 1952 making it the first country in the world to do so. In spite of these about 50% eligible couples in India are still unprotected against conception.1 Aims and Objective- To assess the knowledge regarding family planning among the eligible couple. To find out association between pre test knowledge score and selected demographic variables. Material and Methods- The data were collected from 60 eligible couple. By purposive sampling techniques and descriptive design was used. Non-experimental survey approach will be used for this study. Result- The mean knowledge score of eligible couple is 17.03%. The highest 56.67% percentage of eligible couple had moderate adequate knowledge regarding method of family planning 31.66 % had adequate knowledge and 11.66% had inadequate knowledge regarding method of family planning. There was significant association found between knowledge scores with demographic variables like marital life, educational status, occupation and type of family of eligible couple and other no association was found with other variables. It was assessed at 0.05% level of significance. Conclusion -The major conclusion drawn from this study was that eligible couple had less knowledge regarding method of family planning.


Assess, Knowledge, Family Planning, Eligible Couple.
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  • Govt. of India, Ministry of health and family welfare, New Delhi, annual report, 1999-2000.
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  • India country health profile, WHO/SERO, 2003, http:/internet/entry health/india/index.htm
  • K. Park, 2007, Text book of Preventive and social Medicine, 19th edition, Jaypee Brothers.
  • S Kamalam. Essentials in Community nursing practice.1st edition. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2005. 319-322.

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  • A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Family Planning Methods among Eligible Couples in Selected Villages of Mehsana District

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Kaushal Patidar
Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Tal-Visnagar, Dist-Mehsana (Gujarat), India


Background - The nationwide family planning program was started in India in 1952 making it the first country in the world to do so. In spite of these about 50% eligible couples in India are still unprotected against conception.1 Aims and Objective- To assess the knowledge regarding family planning among the eligible couple. To find out association between pre test knowledge score and selected demographic variables. Material and Methods- The data were collected from 60 eligible couple. By purposive sampling techniques and descriptive design was used. Non-experimental survey approach will be used for this study. Result- The mean knowledge score of eligible couple is 17.03%. The highest 56.67% percentage of eligible couple had moderate adequate knowledge regarding method of family planning 31.66 % had adequate knowledge and 11.66% had inadequate knowledge regarding method of family planning. There was significant association found between knowledge scores with demographic variables like marital life, educational status, occupation and type of family of eligible couple and other no association was found with other variables. It was assessed at 0.05% level of significance. Conclusion -The major conclusion drawn from this study was that eligible couple had less knowledge regarding method of family planning.


Assess, Knowledge, Family Planning, Eligible Couple.
