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Health Status of Elderly people at selected old age homes in Chamarajanagar District

1 Principal, JSS School of Nursing, Kollegal., India
2 Nursing Tutor, JSS School of Nursing, Kollegal., India

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Each older person is a unique individual and his or her own values, needs, ways of living and perspectives on life. The only factor common to all older people is an accumulation of a variety of different life experiences over a greater period of time than those of younger people. Health status is an important factor that decides the quality of life of an individual. Thus, the researcher felt the need to conduct the study on health status of elderly people.1 A non-experimental descriptive design was adopted to accomplish the objectives of the study. A sample of 500 elderly people was selected by using convenient sampling technique. The standardized RAND 36 item health survey scale to assess health status of the elderly people. Findings of the study found that the majority of elderly people 395 (79%) were having moderate health status and 85 (17%) were having good health status. The mean score of the health status was found to be 56.13 with the standard deviation of 16.136. The study concluded that the elderly people have moderate health status and there is a necessity to improve the health status of elderly.


Health status; Elderly people etc.
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  • Health Status of Elderly people at selected old age homes in Chamarajanagar District

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Vishakantamurthy D G
Principal, JSS School of Nursing, Kollegal., India
Naveen Kumar A C
Nursing Tutor, JSS School of Nursing, Kollegal., India
Manjula S
Nursing Tutor, JSS School of Nursing, Kollegal., India


Each older person is a unique individual and his or her own values, needs, ways of living and perspectives on life. The only factor common to all older people is an accumulation of a variety of different life experiences over a greater period of time than those of younger people. Health status is an important factor that decides the quality of life of an individual. Thus, the researcher felt the need to conduct the study on health status of elderly people.1 A non-experimental descriptive design was adopted to accomplish the objectives of the study. A sample of 500 elderly people was selected by using convenient sampling technique. The standardized RAND 36 item health survey scale to assess health status of the elderly people. Findings of the study found that the majority of elderly people 395 (79%) were having moderate health status and 85 (17%) were having good health status. The mean score of the health status was found to be 56.13 with the standard deviation of 16.136. The study concluded that the elderly people have moderate health status and there is a necessity to improve the health status of elderly.


Health status; Elderly people etc.
