To Find out the Suitable High Yielding Varieties of Lentil for Rainfed Conditions of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
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The field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm of N.D.U.A. and T., Kumarganj, Faizabad during Rabi season of 2013-14 to study the performance of lentil varieties under rainfed condition in respect of growth and development, yield and yield contributing characters, quality and economics. Twelve varieties of lentil IPL-81, K-75, NDL-1, IPL-406, DPL-15, PL-5, PL-234, PL-4, DPL-62, PL-406, PL-63 and HUL-57 were tested in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. The soil of the experimental field was silty loam in texture, having pH 8.3, organic carbon 0.35 per cent, available nitrogen 175 kg ha-1, phosphorus 14.50 kg ha-1, potassium 248.50 kg ha-1 and electrical conductivity 0.41dSm-1. The performance of PL-406 variety of lentil was found significantly superior over rest of the varieties in respect of all growth, yield and yield contributing characters except plant height and test weight. The maximum plant height was recorded in IPL-406 variety while the higher test weight (g) was recorded in DPL-62 variety. The highest net return (Rs. 73743 ha-1) and B:C ratio (4.3) was obtained with PL-406 variety of lentil under the rainfed condition.
Yield, Growth, High Yielding Varieties, Rainfed.
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