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Effect of Different Application Method of Humic Acid on Nodulation and Seed Yield of Soybean
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The field experiment was conducted in field at Regional Research Center, Amravati during Kharif season of 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15. The topography of experiment site was fairly uniform, leveled and have medium black soil. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with four replications consisting of eight treatments comprising of control (T1), humic acid 6 per cent (T2), 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers (T3), 75 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers (T4), 50 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers (T5), humic acid 6 per cent spray schedule +100 % recommended dose of fertilizers with humic acid 6 per cent (T6), humic acid 6 per cent spray schedule +75 % recommended dose of fertilizers with humic acid 6 per cent (T7), humic acid 6 per cent spray schedule +50 % recommended dose of fertilizers with humic acid 6 per cent (T8). Soil application mixing with fertilizer @ 2.5 lit per ha at the time of along with basal dose (full dose of N, P, K) were given to the treatment T6, T7 and T8 only. From the three years pooled data, it can be conclude that significantly highest grain and straw yield (2065 and 2890 kg ha-1, respectively) of soybean was obtain with application schedule humic acid 6 per cent at different growth stages of crop with 100 per cent RDF along with 2.5 lit/ha of humic acid 6 per cent as soil application at the time sowing but found at par with higher dose of treatment i.e. T7.
Humic Acid, Nodulation, Seed Yield, Soybean.
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