Character Association and Path Analysis in Castor (Ricinus communis L.)
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Total seed yield g per plant exhibited significant positive correlation with seed yield at 120, 150, 180 days after sowing, total and effective length of primary spike, 100 capsule and seed weight, shelling per cent and oil content. Yield was significantly negatively correlated with number of nodes upto primary spike and seed specific gravity. Path analysis revealed that yield at 120 and 180 days after sowing, effective length of primary spike, and seed specific gravity exhibited significantly high direct effects in positive desirable direction. The number of nodes up to primary spike and total length of primary spike exhibited highly significant direct effects in negative direction for total seed yield. Their association with total seed yield was significant and positive indicating the factor that there exists a true and perfect association between these traits.
Correlation, Direct, Indirect Effects, Castor, Ricinus communis.
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