Effect of Foliar Nutrition of Urea and Diammonium Phosphate on Seed Yield and Economics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under Rainfed Situation
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Field experiments were conducted on deep black soil of Mamurabad farm, Oilseed Research Station, Jalgaon (Maharashtra). Sesame cv. JLT-7 was sown during 2008,2009 and 2010 to find out suitable combination of soil and foliar application of urea and diammonium phosphate for seed yield maximization and remunerative treatments . Result revealed that, soil application of RDF + foliar spray of 2 per cent urea twice at flowering and pod formation stages significantly improved the yield attributes viz., number of capsules plant -1 and number of seeds capsule-1. These attributes contributed in producing significantly higher seed and oil yields and also proved more remunerative over soil application of RDF alone.
Sesame, Foliar Nutrition, Seed Yield, Oil Yield, Economics.
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