Resource Productivity and Resource Use Efficiency in Chickpea Production on Dryland Farm
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Resource productivity and resource use efficiency of chickpea production have been computed using primary data collected from 48 dryland farm spread over two tehsils in Nanded district of Maharashtra. The study revealed that area under chickpea, human labour, bullock labour, machine labour, seed, nitrogen, phosphorus and potash and plant protection as resources. Cobb Douglas production function was fitted to the data. The results revealed that partial regression co-efficient of human labour was 0.455 followed by that area under chickpea was (0.173) positive at 1 per cent level and partial regression co-efficient of nitrogen and machine labour were positive but non-significant. Marginal product of area under chickpea was 2.286 quintals followed by that of bullock labour (0.187 q), plant protection (0.187q) and human labour (0.114q). MVP to price ratio with respect to potash was 9.69 followed by seed (6.87), human labour (2.60) and area under chickpea (1.91). Optimum use of area under chickpea was found to be 0.78 hectare and optimum use of human labour was 56.25 mandays.
Chickpea, Resource Productivity, Resource Use Efficiency, Optimum Resource.
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