Business Performance of Milk Union - A Case of Belgaum District Co-Operative Milk Producers Union Limited (BEMUL) of Karnataka
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Livestock sector has been playing an important role in Indian economy and is an important sub sector of Indian agriculture. A study was conducted to analyse the performance of dairy co-operatives and their impact on milk production, income and employment. The average milk sales were increased by 6.76 per cent per annum due to the popularity of milk brand in the operating area of the union. The physical performance of the societies in the study area revealed that the overall physical indicators had an increasing trend along with the number of employees working in the societies. The profits of societies showed increasing trends in union areas. The share capital, total sales value of milk also increased along with the increase in the members. The compound growth rates in respect of the physical indicators, membership and milk procured were highly significant in the study area. The compound growth rate of financial indicators was almost better in the all aspects and showed highly significant in the study area. It is essential to educate the consumer about the KMF products by using appropriate promotional techniques like advertising simultaneously in radio, television and newspaper. The sales promotional techniques have not materialized during the past years. Therefore, a market research survey is required to identify the different sources by which the consumers receive the information which is required for the improvement of sales promotion measures.
Business Performance, Dairy Enterprise, Milk Union, Co-Operative and Growth Rate.
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