Effectiveness of the Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Management of the Patients with Stroke among the Staff Nurses
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According to the Global Burden of disease Study, cerebrovascular accidents are the second leading cause of mortality worldwide, with 3 million of 4.4 million deaths arising in developing countries. In a study conducted in Australia, it has been reported that within 12 months of stroke, approximately 37% will die and 10% will experience a recurrent stroke.5 This study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of SIM on management of patients with stroke among critical care nurses working in critical care units of KLE'S Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka. The objective of the study was to:
1. To assess the knowledge regarding management of the patients with Stroke among the staff nurses working in critical care units; 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of SIM on knowledge regarding management of the patients with Stroke.; 3. To find the association between the pre test knowledge scores regarding the management of the patients with Stroke and selected demographic variables among the staff nurses working in critical care units.
A one group pre-test post test design 55 Intensive care nurses from Trauma, MICU, and NSICU of K.L.E.S Dr Prabhakar Kore hospital and MRC, Belgaum with a Non probability purposive sampling technique. The data obtained was analyzed in terms of the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics.
The Major Findings of the Study- The difference between mean post test and mean pretest is 16.73. The calculated paired 't' value (t=40.811) is greater than tabulated value (t=1.960). Hence H1 is accepted. This indicates that the gain in knowledge score is statistically significant at P<0.05 levels. And there is no association between pre-test knowledge score and demographic variables.

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