Effectiveness of Biofeedback Therapy on Pulmonary Functions of Extubated Patients
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Background: Respiratory complications after tracheal extubation are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, suggesting that process improvements in this clinical area are needed. Reported rates of reintubation in the operating room and postanesthesia care unit between 0.1% and 0.45%, but is a fairly common event in critically ill patients (0.4%-25%).
Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of biofeedback therapy on pulmonary function among extubated patients.
Design: Quasi-experimental design, where Pre and Post test Non equivalent Group design.
Setting: Dhanvantri Critical Care Centre, Erode, Tamilnadu.
Participants: Thirty extubated patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria.
Methods: Out of 30 patients, 15 patients were selected as experimental group and 15 patients were selected as control group by convenient sampling technique. Experimental group were motivated towards expected outcome with the use of Easy on PC operator machine. Level of pulmonary function was measured by pulmonary function observational rating scale before and after the procedure.
Results: The results show that most of the extubated patients were males, most of them extubated with in less than 7 days, had tracheal intubation and had diagnosis of poisoning. In post test, 80% percentage of patients had average pulmonary function in control group, whereas 87% had good pulmonary function in experimental group. The patient's level of pulmonary function improved from the mean value of 23.33 ± 8.96 to 28.33 ± 8.06 and 21.67 ± 7.78 to 32.07 ± 5.54 in control and experimental group respectively. Paired 't' test score was 12.33 and unpaired 't' test score was 4.42, which is significantly effective at P<0.05. Chi square test showed only age group in experimental group have significant association (P<0.05) and other demographic variables (gender, type of intubation, duration of intubation and type of diagnosis) have no significant (P>0.05) association with post test score of level of pulmonary function in both control and experimental group.
Conclusion: Biofeedback therapy is an effective intervention to improve the level pulmonary function among extubated patients.
Clinical applications: Biofeedback therapy can be employed different kind patients with pulmonary dysfunction. It is a diversional therapy, instead of using pharmacological interventions.

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