An Evaluative Study to Assess the Utility of Health App on Symptomatic Management of selected High Risk Obstetrical Condition among Health Professionals working at selected Rural Health Centres of Indore District
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Pregnancy and motherhood are natural processes in the lives of women of reproductive age. However, for various reasons, many women end up dying as a result of these processes. As per a study report all pregnancies are at risk even though most of the pregnancies and childbirth worldwide are uneventful. According to latest report of WHO every 5 minutes, one woman dies during pregnancy and child birth. Out of which 5,29,000 maternal deaths occurring worldwide every year, and 1,36,000(25.7%) occurs in India. PPH being the most commonly reported complication. The study aims to assess the utility of health app on symptomatic management of selected high risk obstetrical condition. A total of 10 health Professionals were participated in the study. Samples were selected using non Probability purposive sampling. 20 Knowledge based questionnaire were used to assess their pre, mid and post test knowledge score. Utility of health app were also checked. The Pilot study findings revealed that the mean pretest knowledge score was 9.10(SD 3.35). The mean mid-test knowledge score was 12.60 (SD 0.84). The mean post -test knowledge score was 17.90(SD 1.79). If we compare Pretest, Midtest and Post test the mean midtest knowledge score was significantly higher than the mean pretest knowledge score (P=0.009), the mean posttest was significantly higher than the mean midtest knowledge score (P=0.001) and the mean posttest was significantly higher than the mean pretest knowledge score (P=0.001). Conclusion- The utility of health app were found effective in improving management skills of health professionals.
High Risk obstetrical condition (PPH), Health Professionals Community Health Officers, Health app, Utility.
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