Effect of Bio-Nutrients with Reduced Levels of Fertilizers, Indigenous Products and Safe Insecticides against Shoot and Fruit Borer Incidence on Brinjal
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Field studies were undertaken during winter 2012-13 at Bhubaneswar (Odisha) to reveal the impact of indigenous products and bio-nutrients along with reduced levels of fertilizers on the incidence of insect pests of brinjal cv. BLUE STAR. The fruit damage on number (36.4 to 37.2%) and weight (39.6 to 40.2%) basis varied non- significantly with respect to the nutrient level tested. Six sprays of spinosad 45 SC effectively restricted the fruit damage within 28.0 per cent as against 36.8 - 42.1 per cent in untreated control and this was followed by carbosulfan 2119 5 EC (32.2 – 34.9%). The benefit cost ratio was appreciable when the crop was raised with 50%RDF + Bio-NPK and protected with carbosulfan 25EC(3.44:1) and spinosad 45SC (2.20:1). None of the indigenous products proved effective against shoot and fruit borer incidence.
Brinjal, Indigenous Products, Bio-Nutrients, Reduced Fertilizers, Shoot, Fruit Borer, Carbosulfan 25 EC, Spinosad 45SC.
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