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Effect of Bio-Nutrients with Reduced Levels of Fertilizers, Indigenous Products and Safe Insecticides against Shoot and Fruit Borer Incidence on Brinjal

1 Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), India

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Field studies were undertaken during winter 2012-13 at Bhubaneswar (Odisha) to reveal the impact of indigenous products and bio-nutrients along with reduced levels of fertilizers on the incidence of insect pests of brinjal cv. BLUE STAR. The fruit damage on number (36.4 to 37.2%) and weight (39.6 to 40.2%) basis varied non- significantly with respect to the nutrient level tested. Six sprays of spinosad 45 SC effectively restricted the fruit damage within 28.0 per cent as against 36.8 - 42.1 per cent in untreated control and this was followed by carbosulfan 2119 5 EC (32.2 – 34.9%). The benefit cost ratio was appreciable when the crop was raised with 50%RDF + Bio-NPK and protected with carbosulfan 25EC(3.44:1) and spinosad 45SC (2.20:1). None of the indigenous products proved effective against shoot and fruit borer incidence.


Brinjal, Indigenous Products, Bio-Nutrients, Reduced Fertilizers, Shoot, Fruit Borer, Carbosulfan 25 EC, Spinosad 45SC.
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  • Effect of Bio-Nutrients with Reduced Levels of Fertilizers, Indigenous Products and Safe Insecticides against Shoot and Fruit Borer Incidence on Brinjal

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Jyoti Rekha Mallick
Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), India
Subhashree Dash
Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), India
H. P. Patnaik
Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar (Odisha), India


Field studies were undertaken during winter 2012-13 at Bhubaneswar (Odisha) to reveal the impact of indigenous products and bio-nutrients along with reduced levels of fertilizers on the incidence of insect pests of brinjal cv. BLUE STAR. The fruit damage on number (36.4 to 37.2%) and weight (39.6 to 40.2%) basis varied non- significantly with respect to the nutrient level tested. Six sprays of spinosad 45 SC effectively restricted the fruit damage within 28.0 per cent as against 36.8 - 42.1 per cent in untreated control and this was followed by carbosulfan 2119 5 EC (32.2 – 34.9%). The benefit cost ratio was appreciable when the crop was raised with 50%RDF + Bio-NPK and protected with carbosulfan 25EC(3.44:1) and spinosad 45SC (2.20:1). None of the indigenous products proved effective against shoot and fruit borer incidence.


Brinjal, Indigenous Products, Bio-Nutrients, Reduced Fertilizers, Shoot, Fruit Borer, Carbosulfan 25 EC, Spinosad 45SC.
