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Response of Manures and Industrial By-Products for Cane Yield and Post Harvest NPK Status

1 Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram (T.N.), India

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Field experiment was conducted in clay loam soil at Periyanellicollai village at Chidambaram taluka, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu. The soil of Periyanellikollai was classified as Typic Haplustert comes under Kondal series having sandy loam texture. The available nutrient status was low in N, medium in P and K. The treatments considered of T1 - Seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1, T2 - T1 + Enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T3 - T2 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T4 - T1 + Lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T5 - T1 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T6 - Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T7 - T6 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T8 - Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 + lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T9 - Biocompost @ 5 t ha-1, T10 - T9 + Enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T11 - T10 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T12 - T9 + Lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T13 - FYM @ 10 t ha-1, T14 - recommended dose of fertilizer. All the plots were applied with recommended of dose of fertilizers 275:62.5:150 of N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1. The highest cane yield of 169.74 t ha-1 was obtained with T3 received seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1. The highest content of post harvest nitrogen (278 kg ha-1) and post harvest phosphorus (19.3 kg ha-1) was maximum T3 receiving seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1. The post harvest available potassium (156.4 kg ha-1) was recorded in treatment T4 (Seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1).


Seasoned Pressmud, Enriched Gypsum, ZnSO4, Lignite Fly Ash, Yield.
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  • Response of Manures and Industrial By-Products for Cane Yield and Post Harvest NPK Status

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D. Venkatakrishnan
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram (T.N.), India


Field experiment was conducted in clay loam soil at Periyanellicollai village at Chidambaram taluka, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu. The soil of Periyanellikollai was classified as Typic Haplustert comes under Kondal series having sandy loam texture. The available nutrient status was low in N, medium in P and K. The treatments considered of T1 - Seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1, T2 - T1 + Enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T3 - T2 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T4 - T1 + Lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T5 - T1 + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T6 - Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T7 - T6 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T8 - Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 + lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T9 - Biocompost @ 5 t ha-1, T10 - T9 + Enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1, T11 - T10 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1, T12 - T9 + Lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1, T13 - FYM @ 10 t ha-1, T14 - recommended dose of fertilizer. All the plots were applied with recommended of dose of fertilizers 275:62.5:150 of N, P2O5 and K2O kg ha-1. The highest cane yield of 169.74 t ha-1 was obtained with T3 received seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1. The highest content of post harvest nitrogen (278 kg ha-1) and post harvest phosphorus (19.3 kg ha-1) was maximum T3 receiving seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + enriched gypsum @ 1 t ha-1 + ZnSO4 @ 37.5 kg ha-1. The post harvest available potassium (156.4 kg ha-1) was recorded in treatment T4 (Seasoned pressmud @ 25 t ha-1 + lignite fly ash @ 25 t ha-1).


Seasoned Pressmud, Enriched Gypsum, ZnSO4, Lignite Fly Ash, Yield.
