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Effect of Plant and Row Spacing on Growth and Yield of Onion under Mokokchung District of Nagaland
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The experiment was undertaken to determine the effect of different plant and row spacing on growth and yield of onion. 8 different spacings were taken viz., 20x10 cm, 20x15 cm, 20x20 cm, 25x10cm, 25x15 cm, 25x20 cm, 30x10 and 30x15cm. Variety Nasik Red was used for the study. The results demonstrated that plant spacing had significant effects on growth, yield components and yield of onion. Significantly wider spacing produced higher size of plant height, leaf length and number of leaves. Bulb diameter, circumference and weight also have the same trend in wider spacing. The weight of individual onion bulb (53.0 g) was increased with the widest spacing of 30x15 cm. On the contrary, the overall yield/ha was the highest (17.69 t/ha) at the closest spacing (20 x10cm) and the lowest (9.51 t/ha) was at widest spacing (30x15 cm).
Onion, Spacing, Growth, Yield.
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