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Evaluation Study of Micropropagation Stages of Patchouli Plant
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An effective means for rapid multiplication of plant species of clonal origin is micro propagation. Various in vitro studies have been reported on different species of patchouli, one such method of propagation that can be usefully employed to produce relatively uniform plantlets in a short time is via in vitro culture but there is limited effort to study direct organogenesis, which supports cultivation by providing true type plants in large numbers.Therefore this study determines the effect of different concentrations of growth hormones on patchouli, micropropagation and rapid multiplication stages of patchouli plant within a short time with good results of micropropagation stages for regeneration of patchouli were successfully initiated.
Patchouli, Alpha Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Indol Acetic Acid (IAA), Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP), Kinetin (kin).
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