Effect of Inorganic and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Strawberry [Fragaria x ananassa L. Duch.] cv. CHANDLER in Central Uttar Pradesh
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A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 to study the performance of different levels of inorganic fertilizers with combination of bio-fertilizers at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. It comprised application of different level of inorganic and bio-fertilizers in Randomized Block Design with thirteen treatments i.e. T1-Control (No inorganic and no bio-fertilizer), T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T3-(100 kg N ha-1+PSB), T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T5-(75 kg N ha-1+PSB), T6-(60 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T7-(60 kg P ha-1+PSB), T8-(45 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T9-(45 kg P ha-1+PSB),T10-(60 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter), T11-(60 kg K ha-1+PSB),T12-(45 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter) and T13-(45 kg K ha-1+PSB). It was observed that overall minimum plant height was obtained (14.18 cm) at 90 days after transplanting in T1-Control and maximum plant height (18.67 cm) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The maximum number of leaves was recorded highest (18.67) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) with followed by (17.67) in T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The minimum spreading of plant in North-South direction (15.63 cm) was recorded in case of control. The highest yield per plant observed in T2 (173.42g). Among the thirteen treatments T2-(100 Kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) showed best performance in terms of maximum fruit yield of strawberry.
Bio-Fertilizers, Inorganic Fertilizer, Growth, Yield.
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