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Effect of Inorganic and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Strawberry [Fragaria x ananassa L. Duch.] cv. CHANDLER in Central Uttar Pradesh

1 Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India

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A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 to study the performance of different levels of inorganic fertilizers with combination of bio-fertilizers at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. It comprised application of different level of inorganic and bio-fertilizers in Randomized Block Design with thirteen treatments i.e. T1-Control (No inorganic and no bio-fertilizer), T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T3-(100 kg N ha-1+PSB), T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T5-(75 kg N ha-1+PSB), T6-(60 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T7-(60 kg P ha-1+PSB), T8-(45 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T9-(45 kg P ha-1+PSB),T10-(60 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter), T11-(60 kg K ha-1+PSB),T12-(45 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter) and T13-(45 kg K ha-1+PSB). It was observed that overall minimum plant height was obtained (14.18 cm) at 90 days after transplanting in T1-Control and maximum plant height (18.67 cm) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The maximum number of leaves was recorded highest (18.67) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) with followed by (17.67) in T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The minimum spreading of plant in North-South direction (15.63 cm) was recorded in case of control. The highest yield per plant observed in T2 (173.42g). Among the thirteen treatments T2-(100 Kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) showed best performance in terms of maximum fruit yield of strawberry.


Bio-Fertilizers, Inorganic Fertilizer, Growth, Yield.
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  • Effect of Inorganic and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Strawberry [Fragaria x ananassa L. Duch.] cv. CHANDLER in Central Uttar Pradesh

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Shashank Verma
Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India
Sanjay Kumar
Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India
Sutanu Maji
Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India
Kamal Ram Meena
Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India
Rakesh Kumar Meena
Department of Applied Plant Science (Horticulture), Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (U.P.), India


A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 to study the performance of different levels of inorganic fertilizers with combination of bio-fertilizers at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. It comprised application of different level of inorganic and bio-fertilizers in Randomized Block Design with thirteen treatments i.e. T1-Control (No inorganic and no bio-fertilizer), T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T3-(100 kg N ha-1+PSB), T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter), T5-(75 kg N ha-1+PSB), T6-(60 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T7-(60 kg P ha-1+PSB), T8-(45 kg P ha-1+Azotobacter), T9-(45 kg P ha-1+PSB),T10-(60 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter), T11-(60 kg K ha-1+PSB),T12-(45 kg K ha-1+Azotobacter) and T13-(45 kg K ha-1+PSB). It was observed that overall minimum plant height was obtained (14.18 cm) at 90 days after transplanting in T1-Control and maximum plant height (18.67 cm) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The maximum number of leaves was recorded highest (18.67) in T2-(100 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) with followed by (17.67) in T4-(75 kg N ha-1+Azotobacter). The minimum spreading of plant in North-South direction (15.63 cm) was recorded in case of control. The highest yield per plant observed in T2 (173.42g). Among the thirteen treatments T2-(100 Kg N ha-1+Azotobacter) showed best performance in terms of maximum fruit yield of strawberry.


Bio-Fertilizers, Inorganic Fertilizer, Growth, Yield.
