Chemical Management of Alternaria Leaf Blight of Bt Cotton
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Field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2006-07 and 2007-08 at Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad Farm for evaluation of different fungicides against Alternaria leaf blight of cotton. Fungicides viz., Hexaconazole (0.1%), Tebuconazole (0.1%), Propiconazole (0.1%), Difenconazole (0.1%), Penconazole (0.1%), Propineb (0.2%), Chlorothalonil (0.2%), Carbendazim (0.1%), Mancozeb (0.2%) were sprayed after initiation of disease infection, three sprays were taken with 20 days interval and per cent disease index (PDI) was calculated after final spray. Propineb (0.2%) was effective in controlling disease with per cent disease control of 76.09 followed by Difenconazole @ 0.1% with 66.96 control.
Alternaria Blight, Cotton, Management, Foliar Spray.
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