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Integrated Management of Dry Root Rot [Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butler] of Chickpea
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In vivo screening of natural farming product like bheejamrutha and cotton cake individually and in combination with mancozeb tolerant fungal antagonist Trichoderma viride isolate 3 (Tv-3) and fungicide mancozeb were tested against Rhizoctonia bataticola in pot culture under green house conditions and field conditions. The results revealed that seed treatment with bheejamrutham (200 ml kg-1) + soil application of Tv-3 conidial suspension @1×108 CFU ml-1 fortified with 100 kg FYM @ 0.5% + soil application of cotton cake @ 200 kg ha-1 was found to be superior as it recorded the least disease incidence of 11.11 per cent and maximum shoot length, ischolar_main length, highest vigour index, maximum fresh and dry weight. Integrated disease management of dry ischolar_main rot of chickpea indicates that seed treatment with bheejamrutham (200 ml kg-1) + soil application of Tv-3 conidial suspension @ 1×108CFU ml-1 fortified with 100 kg FYM @ 0.5% + soil application of cotton cake @ 200 kg ha-1 performed better in managing dry ischolar_main rot of chickpea with a per cent disease reduction of 65.04 and recorded highest yield of 2263 kg ha-1 followed by seed treatment with mancozeb @ 2.5 g kg-1 + soil application of Tv-3 conidial suspension @ 1×108 CFU ml-1 fortified with 100 kg FYM @ 0.5%. + soil application of cotton cake @ 200 kg ha-1
Chickpea, Rhizoctonia bataticola, Trichoderma, Bheejamrutham, Cotton Cake, Mancozeb.
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