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A Comparative Study of Quality of Work Life and Self-efficacy among Middle Level Managers of Public and Private Undertakings.

1 Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India

An attempt was made to study the Self-efficacy and Quality of work life on among middle level managers of public and private undertakings. The samples of the study comprised of 200 middle level managers. They were selected by means of random sampling technique from public and private sectors with n=100 from each undertakings. Random sampling technique was used to collect opinions from all managers of different sectors. The Quality of Work Life Scale developed by Shawkat and Ansari (2000) at AMU Aligarh and Self-efficacy Scale developed by Singh and Kumari (1990) was used for data collection. Analyses of the data were done by applying Mean, SD and t-test. Results revealed that middle level managers of public and private undertakings significantly differ with respect to Quality of Work Life and some of its dimensions; (i.e. Work Itself, Organizational Climate, Inter Group Relation and Trust) where as there is no significance of difference was found between Self-efficacy of middle level mangers of public and private undertakings. It was also found Quality of work life was found at the higher level in public undertakings as compared to the private undertakings.


Quality of work life, self-efficacy, public and private middle level managers.
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  • A Comparative Study of Quality of Work Life and Self-efficacy among Middle Level Managers of Public and Private Undertakings.

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Sadia Khan
Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India


An attempt was made to study the Self-efficacy and Quality of work life on among middle level managers of public and private undertakings. The samples of the study comprised of 200 middle level managers. They were selected by means of random sampling technique from public and private sectors with n=100 from each undertakings. Random sampling technique was used to collect opinions from all managers of different sectors. The Quality of Work Life Scale developed by Shawkat and Ansari (2000) at AMU Aligarh and Self-efficacy Scale developed by Singh and Kumari (1990) was used for data collection. Analyses of the data were done by applying Mean, SD and t-test. Results revealed that middle level managers of public and private undertakings significantly differ with respect to Quality of Work Life and some of its dimensions; (i.e. Work Itself, Organizational Climate, Inter Group Relation and Trust) where as there is no significance of difference was found between Self-efficacy of middle level mangers of public and private undertakings. It was also found Quality of work life was found at the higher level in public undertakings as compared to the private undertakings.


Quality of work life, self-efficacy, public and private middle level managers.
