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Effect of Plant Spacing on Marketable yield of Table Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Dr. PDKV), Yavatmal (M.S.), India
2 Vasantrao Naik College of Agricultural Biotechnology (Dr.PDKV), Yavatmal (M.S.), India

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A field experiment to standardize package of practices for beet ischolar_main cultivation in Vidarbha region and to find out optimum spacing for higher yield of marketable beet ischolar_main during the winter seasons of three consecutive years was undertaken. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design at the farm of Agricultural Research Station (Dr. PDKV), Yavatmal. On the basis of spacing, plants were transplanted at two row spacing viz., 30cm and 45 cm and in row three plant to plant spacing viz., 10cm, 20cm and 30cm with one separate 45 cm x 45 cm wider spacing plot with three replications. The result indicated that different plant spacing had significantly influenced on shoot fresh weight, beet ischolar_main fresh weight, diameter of beet ischolar_main and marketable yield of beet ischolar_main. Spacings have significant effect on marketable yield of beet ischolar_main in the three seasons of experimentations. However, TSS content of beet ischolar_main was in significantly influenced with different plant spacing. Beet ischolar_main sown at closer planting distance 30 cm x 10 cm gave significantly higher marketable ischolar_main yield but fresh weight of beet ischolar_main was significantly greater under wider plant spacing.


Plant Spacing, Yield, Beta vulgaris, Root Diameter, Fresh Weight, TSS.
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  • Effect of Plant Spacing on Marketable yield of Table Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

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Anjali M. Gaharwar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Dr. PDKV), Yavatmal (M.S.), India
Jayashri D. Ughade
Vasantrao Naik College of Agricultural Biotechnology (Dr.PDKV), Yavatmal (M.S.), India


A field experiment to standardize package of practices for beet ischolar_main cultivation in Vidarbha region and to find out optimum spacing for higher yield of marketable beet ischolar_main during the winter seasons of three consecutive years was undertaken. The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Block Design at the farm of Agricultural Research Station (Dr. PDKV), Yavatmal. On the basis of spacing, plants were transplanted at two row spacing viz., 30cm and 45 cm and in row three plant to plant spacing viz., 10cm, 20cm and 30cm with one separate 45 cm x 45 cm wider spacing plot with three replications. The result indicated that different plant spacing had significantly influenced on shoot fresh weight, beet ischolar_main fresh weight, diameter of beet ischolar_main and marketable yield of beet ischolar_main. Spacings have significant effect on marketable yield of beet ischolar_main in the three seasons of experimentations. However, TSS content of beet ischolar_main was in significantly influenced with different plant spacing. Beet ischolar_main sown at closer planting distance 30 cm x 10 cm gave significantly higher marketable ischolar_main yield but fresh weight of beet ischolar_main was significantly greater under wider plant spacing.


Plant Spacing, Yield, Beta vulgaris, Root Diameter, Fresh Weight, TSS.
