Subscribe/Renew Journal
The number of contributions from members for this issue has been so small that the Editor has been forced to impose on his renders another installment of his pet subject written by himself. It may be of interest to the younger members of the Association. But it is most likely that it will appear to many of the more advanced engineers as a waste of much valuable space. These gentlemen should therefore try to provide us with articles of greater and more general interest out of the notes they have of their own designs, constructions, and experiments. The call on their time is certainly very great. But it is more often a disinclination to appear in print rather than a want of time that prevents them from submitting their first article. They must realise, however, that one who looks at every stage of his own work with a critical eye and prepares his article with the care he takes in drawing up a specification can always be sure of obtaining the appreciation that will compensate him for all his labour.
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