On the Potential of Phytochemical Remedy for Envenomation and the Consequent Endocrinopathy, with a Note on Conservation – A Case Study of Venom Informatics
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Envenomation is a serious neglected health issue at the global level that affects millions of people every year. It is highly prevalent among farmers and rural natives and is mainly due to the bite from snakes, spiders, frogs, dogs, wasps, bees, ants, etc. Many plants with antidote potential grow around our backyard without proper recognition and, unfortunately, several of them are under threat of extinction due to human interference and other environmental factors. The sustainable utilization of those antidote herbs can benefit as a life saver to the needy patients. The herbs can also be farmed and used commercially for the pharmaceutical application and incorporated with biotechnology and bioinformatics with a vision of synthesizing antidote drugs with less or no side effects. The objective of the present work is to create awareness among the public for the wise use of wild and local herbs, and their sustainable utilization with a computational case study on laboratory experiments done in two traditional plant based antidotes, selected from literature. The investigation is focused on Daboia russelii venom neutralization via in silico approach which can significantly reduce the time, expense, labour and samples taken. Our approach will add to the conventional non-specific polyvalent anti-snake venom (ASV) with more specific plant-based antidotes.
Antidote, Envenomation, Herbal Medicines, Sustainable Utilization, Venom Informatics.
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