Need For Integration Of Morphotaxonomy And Molecular Signature In Determination Of Indian Termite Taxa (insecta: Blattaria)
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Termites are an important group of social insects and are considered as ‘ecosystem engineers’ for their role in organic decomposition, maintaining soil fertility, and hydrological parameters. They contribute large biomass in nature and often become pests. They have different reproductive and non-reproductive castes in a colony. Processes of morpho-taxonomical analyses for species determination are well developed, yet face questions as the insects have diagnostic traits limited to some castes only. These taxonomic limitations have a bearing on ecological and pest management studies. Molecular identification poses to minimize this problem of morpho-taxonomy. Mitochondrial genome or DNA barcoding serves as an additional tool to delineate species and ascertain their relationships. Hence, a classical species determination approach combined with molecular markers and barcoding techniques promises to resolve the existing taxonomic problems and controversies.
Blattaria, Morphology, Molecular systematics, Mitochondrial markers, Nuclear markers.
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