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Outlook on Fish Seed and Fish Production and their Interrelationship at Uttar Pradesh, India
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Uttar Pradesh is the India's most populous state with enough fisheries resources in the form of ponds, tanks, rivers and manmade reservoirs. Fish production in the State was only 325.95 thousand tones (2007-08) and it was less than national average. In this study trend of fish seed production and fish production, and also their inter relationships were analyzed. The time series data analysis for period 1994-2008 reveals that both fish seed production and fi sh production in the state have been increasing over the years. The regression equation of fish seed production and fish production is established (Yest = 0.275X-16.16; R2=0.971). This result clearly indicates a very good fit of the empherical data suggesting the fact that 97.1% of the variability in fish production is explained by the seed production alone. A strong significant relation between two variables (r=0.97) justifies the need of quality seed production for enhanced sustainable fish production.
Uttar Pradesh, Fish and Seed Production, Trend Analysis, Growth Rate.
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