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An Asymptotic Expansion of Continuous Wavelet Transform for Small Dilation Parameter

1 Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, India
2 Department of Mathematics, NERIST, Nirjuli - 791109, India

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In this paper, we derive asymptotic expansion of the wavelet transform for small values of the dilation parameter a by using Lopez and Pagola technique. Asymptotic expansion of Morlet wavelet, Mexican Hat wavelet and Haar wavelet transform are obtained as a special cases.


Asymptotic expansion, Wavelet transform, Fourier transform, Mellin transform.
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  • An Asymptotic Expansion of Continuous Wavelet Transform for Small Dilation Parameter

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Ashish Pathak
Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, India
Prabhat Yadav
Department of Mathematics, NERIST, Nirjuli - 791109, India
M. M. Dixit
Department of Mathematics, NERIST, Nirjuli - 791109, India


In this paper, we derive asymptotic expansion of the wavelet transform for small values of the dilation parameter a by using Lopez and Pagola technique. Asymptotic expansion of Morlet wavelet, Mexican Hat wavelet and Haar wavelet transform are obtained as a special cases.


Asymptotic expansion, Wavelet transform, Fourier transform, Mellin transform.
