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Oscillation Result for Nonlinear Fourth-Order Homogeneous Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations


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We introduce an oscillatory result for fourth order homogeneous neutral delay dynamic equations on time scales, which deals with a unification and extension of the differential and difference equations depending upon the time scale defines on a continuous set and a discrete set respectively.


Oscillation, Non-Linear, Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations, Time Scales.
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  • Oscillation Result for Nonlinear Fourth-Order Homogeneous Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations

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N Sikender
, India
S Rakmaiah
, India


We introduce an oscillatory result for fourth order homogeneous neutral delay dynamic equations on time scales, which deals with a unification and extension of the differential and difference equations depending upon the time scale defines on a continuous set and a discrete set respectively.


Oscillation, Non-Linear, Neutral Delay Dynamic Equations, Time Scales.
