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Justification of the Asymptotic Analysis of Linear Slender Rods

1 SCL, Chandigarh, India
2 Department of Mathematics, IIST, Trivandrum-695 547, India

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One dimensional model of linearly elastic slender rods is derived by Trabucho and Viano using asymptotic expansion method under suitable scalings on the unknowns and the data and later Le Dret had proved the convergence of the scaled solution to the one dimensional model under the same scalings on the unknowns and data. In this paper we justify the scalings used by them to derive the one dimensional model.


Elasticity, Rods, Asymptotics.
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  • Justification of the Asymptotic Analysis of Linear Slender Rods

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J. Raja
SCL, Chandigarh, India
N. Sabu
Department of Mathematics, IIST, Trivandrum-695 547, India


One dimensional model of linearly elastic slender rods is derived by Trabucho and Viano using asymptotic expansion method under suitable scalings on the unknowns and the data and later Le Dret had proved the convergence of the scaled solution to the one dimensional model under the same scalings on the unknowns and data. In this paper we justify the scalings used by them to derive the one dimensional model.


Elasticity, Rods, Asymptotics.
