The Patents Act, 1970 which provided for process patenting led to pharmaceutical revolution in the country as India witnessed a spectacular increase in generic manufacturers. The Patent Act, 2005 however is considered to be a major game changer as it provides for both process and product patents and will set the tone to shift away from reverse engineering to forward engineering. The growth in Patent activity reflects the development in science and technology of the nation. With the passing of Patent Act, 2005 and increase in Intellectual Property (IP) awareness amongst the Indian companies, they seem to be taking IP protection more seriously on a global level. The paper aims to bring about trend, growth and prospects of patenting in Indian Pharmaceutical Sector. Relative Specialisation Index (RSI) for pharmaceutical patents in India vis-àvis the whole world has been calculated to concur if its trend is uphill. An inter-country RSI analysis of top ten pharmaceutical markets in the world has been conducted to project India’s strength at the world level.
Relative Specialization Index, World Trade Organization, Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement, Gross Domestic Product, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Bolar Provision, Patent Office Journal, Economic Survey, Drug Patents, Pharmaceutical Sector, Patent Laws, Patent Trends, Pharmaceutical Markets.
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