In educational fields, misconducts are common now-a-days and one o f the academic misconduct is piracy, which discourages the real owners, real creators, real researchers and real inventors. Greed for earning more money in a short duration o f time and application of technologies are the major factors o f piracy. Technology makes every work faster and easier in one side and in other side misconducts are increasing tremendously because o f these technologies, which are enough to threat the educational systems. Piracy is a global issue, so the Government o f various countries is trying to amend the existing laws and also trying to enforce some new laws to trace and to punish the pirates. Piracy is growing in the world academic community very severely. Hence, a proper knowledge on piracy is important. This review discusses on various aspects of piracy including its origin, definitions, limitations, consequences, causes, detection etc.In view of piracy for commercial and non-commercial purposes, it is tried to discuss certain circumstances under which one pirates a book or similar works. This review would help academicians, researchers and students to stay away from piracy as well as to overcome piracy.
Federation of Booksellers and Publishers Association of India, Inter-American Publishers Group, Piracy, Academics, Publishers, Economy, Copyright, Reprography.
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