Geographical indication is one of the forms of intellectual property right that member countries of the World Trade Organisation (including Indonesia) endeavour to protect. Pulut Mandoti is a rice variety grown in Enrekang regency, South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. This rice variety has specific properties that differentiate it from other varieties, such as its distinctive aroma that smells like fragrant pandan leaves and its taste. For this reason, this rice variety is preferred by local and international consumers. Also, if this rice variety is grown elsewhere, it will not possess the same aroma. As a result, it has a higher market value than other varieties. In this regard, this study aims to explore the use of geographical indication for Pulut Mandoti to improve the economic condition of local farmers in Enrekang District.The research is a legal research using normative and empirical approaches. The data were analysed by qualitative and descriptive analysis techniques.The conclusion of this research is as follows: The realisation of legal protection in the form of registration of geographical indication for Pulut Mandoti on behalf of the local Pulut Mandoti farmers will improve the economic condition of the community.
Geographical Indications, Intellectual Property, Pulut mandoti, TRIPS Agreement, Indonesia Trademark Law, Landa.
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