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Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR Research: A View through the Articles Published in the First Decade of Twenty-First Century (2000–2004) — II

1 CSIR–National Institute of Science, Communication and Policy Research(CSIR–NIScPR), New Delhi, 110 012, India., India
2 Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, 131 001, Haryana, India., India

This Paper seeks to review the articles published in the Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in the first half of the first decade of the twenty-first century from Volume 5 (1) (2000) to Volume 9 (6) (2004). During this period, a total of seven post-independent IP legislations were enacted in the country. This Paper reviews the articles published in JIPR year-wise. Paper attempts to identify: (i) total number of issues published; (ii) total number of articles published; (iii) total number of contributions made by the Indian and foreign scholars; (iv) total number of sole and joint publications; (v) publishing style of JIPR; and (vi) area of IP covered in each volume. Dissemination of information is a necessary condition for creation of new knowledge. JIPR through an open-access platform has provided an opportunity to the IP scholars to publish their writings addressing the gaps in the areas ofIP. In the end, Paper develops an argument that JIPR has significantly contributed in the development of IP by disseminating IP information and knowledge and also in creating IP knowledge and awareness.


JIPR, IP Statutes, CSIR-NIScPR, CSIR-NISCAIR, IP Awareness, Articles, Copyright, Patents, Trade Marks, Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets, Industrial Design, Design, Integrated Circuit,Plant Varieties, TRIPS, WIPO, GATT, Treaties, Agreement, TKDL, Research, Development, Review, IP Publications, Publici Juris, Dissemination of Knowledge, Creation of New Knowledge, First Decade, 21 st Century.
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  • Malik K and Raza A, Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights(JIPR) in IPR Research: A View through the Articles Published in the Last Decade of Twentieth-Century (1996–1999) — I, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 28 (1) (2023) 68–78.
  • Kulshreshtha A K and Awasthi S K, Patent literature on catalysts for olefin polymerization: [II] Metallocenes, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (1) (2000) 1–12.
  • Gupta N K, Information for filing international applications for patent under Patent Cooperation Treaty by Indian applicants, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (1) (2000) 13–17.
  • Pahamin D A, The protection and management of intellectual property in a digital environment, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (1) (2000) 18–25.
  • Gupta V K, Negotiating IPR during international cooperation in science and technology, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (2) (2000) 61–71.
  • Raina R K, Project and patent planning, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (2) (2000) 72–75.
  • Babu G V S & Arora S, Biodiversity and IPR, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (2) (2000) 76–79.
  • Vasudeva P K, India and other Asian countries losing on biodiversity, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (2) (2000) 80–86.
  • Alikhan S, Intellectual property as a tool for development in the knowledge - based economy * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (3) (2000) 115–124.
  • Gupta N K, Exclusive marketing rights – Background and their implications, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (3) (2000) 125–131.
  • Act 17 of 1999.
  • Tiwari R, Interpreting claims in a patent specification, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5(3) (2000) 132–136.
  • Craze D, Protection ofwell-known marks, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (3) (2000) 137–151.
  • Bheemeswar D, intellectual property asset management — A tool for total quality management, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (4) (2000) 183–188.
  • Vasudeva P K, Patents for cloning embryos, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (4) (2000) 189–196.
  • Ghosh S K, Biodiversity and IPR- ethics and politics, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (4) (2000) 197–205.
  • Karki M M S & Gupta V K, Natural product innovations: Taxol, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (4) (2000) 206–210.
  • Gupta V K, Employerv Employee inventions: IPR issues in R&D organizations, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (5) (2000) 239–250.
  • Keayla B K, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Bill, 1999: Some critical issues, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (5) (2000) 251–255.
  • Karki M M S, IPR issues associated with internet domain names, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5(5) (2000) 256–261.
  • Olsson H, Electronic commerce and intellectual property developments in Europe’ Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (5) (2000) 256–266.
  • Tiwari S, The WIPO Internet Treaties, Facing the challenges of the digital economy, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (5) (2000) 267–270.
  • Gupta V K, An approach for establishing a Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5 (6) (2000) 307–319.
  • Karki P, An introduction to business method patents, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5(6) (2000) 320–326.
  • Karki M M S, Technology trends in biosensors as reflected by patent analysis, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 5(6) (2000) 327–332.
  • Karki M M S, IPR issues in biotechnology in the context of developing countries and India, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6(1) (2001) 1–17.
  • Benoît M, Copyright on the Internet * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6(1) (2001) 18–26.
  • Karki M M S, Neem-based natural product innovations: Analysis of patents, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6(1) (2001) 27–37.
  • Alikhan S, Intellectual property management for enhancing competitiveness particularly in Small and Medium Enterprises * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (2) (2001) 85–26.
  • Gopakumar K M, The scope of reverse engineering of computer software under the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1999: A Critique, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (2) (2001) 94–108.
  • Ghosh S K,VirupakshappaK, Singh M S & Sadananda A R, IPR and seed industry, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (2) (2001) 109–120.
  • Gupta V K, Report of the Task Force on Traditional Knowledge Digital Library: A gist, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (2) (2001) 121–133.
  • Garg K C, Inventing and patenting on lasers – An overview, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (2) (2001) 134–137.
  • Vellakkat R, Servitudes of intangible properties, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (3) (2001) 181–188.
  • Keayla B K,Patent System: Implications for health care and pharma industry, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (3) (2001) 189–199.
  • Price S & Renk B Z, Intellectual property transfer mechanisms at universities * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (3) (2001) 200–210.
  • Maran M,Intellectual property: Policy and strategy for 21st century, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (3) (2001) 111–114.
  • Dutt B,Tamarind - based Innovations: Analysis of patents, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (3) (2001) 115–126.
  • Mashelkar R A, Role of IPR in economics of knowledge, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (4) (2001) 271–276.
  • Gupta V K, Managing software protection, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (4) (2001) 277–285.
  • Krishna G A & Prakash V, Functional foods — The IPR angle, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (4) (2001) 286–291.
  • Banerjee P, A possible Indianresponse to software and business method patenting, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (4) (2001) 292–300.
  • Vasudeva P K, Implicationsof WTO on agriculture, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (4) (2001) 301–311.
  • Adcock M & Llewelyn M, Legal protection of biological material: Globalisationv Statefreedom, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (5) (2001) 361–368.
  • Mashelkar R A, Intellectual property management in India: New challenges and opportunities ahead * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (5) (2001) 369–376.
  • Ghosh S K, Sarkar C Kr G & Datta S, Molecular Markers for Cultivar Identification and PBR, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (5) (2001) 377–388.
  • Gupta V K, B2B E-commerce: Technological, Legal and IPR Issues * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (5) (2001) 389–397.
  • Gupta V K, Legislation affecting science and technology — Need for more public debate*, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (5) (2001) 398–403.
  • Prajneshu M & Gupta V K, Traditional knowledge database: IPR and opportunities for R&D, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (6) (2001) 449–458.
  • Ragavan S, Patent Amendments in India in the Wake of TRIPS * , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (6) (2001) 459–471.
  • Ghate U, Fighting patent wars on bioresources: The Indian response, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (6) (2001) 472–478.
  • Haycock P, Patents in the life sciences*, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (6) (2001) 479–486.
  • Gardener W and Rosenbaum J,Databases protection and access to information, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 6 (6) (2001) 487–492.
  • Correa C M, Intellectual property right under WTO and Animal genetic resources, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (1) (2002) 7–23.
  • Prajneshu M & Gupta V K, Patenting on Clove, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7(1) (2002) 24–32.
  • Mysore S, Adoption and implementation of intellectual property rights: Experiences of selected countries, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (1) (2002) 33–45.
  • Lall A R & Khurana V, Brand valuation, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (1) (2002) 46–49.
  • Altbach P G, The subtle inequalities of copyright†, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (1) (2002) 50–57.
  • Nair M D, Harmonization of Patent Laws—Still a dream? † , Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (1) (2002) 58–61.
  • Blackman M J R, Patent Information: A New Dynamic for South-East Asia?, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 105–118.
  • Dhar R, New dimensions topatents on Genomics and Proteomics, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 119–127.
  • Tripathi R C, Garg A K, Taneja V B & Chakravarti A K, Patenting of computer software: Status and approach, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 128–142.
  • Ahmad U, Intellectual property rights and assessment of the raw materials (Crude Drugs) Used in Indian systems of medicine, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 143–150.
  • Ho M W, Why Biotech patents are patently absurd— Scientific briefing on TRIPS and related issues, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 151–165.
  • Chu S T, How will patents on business methods affect e-commerce?Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (2) (2002) 166–179.
  • Sekar S & Kandavel D, Patenting microorganisms: Towards creating a Policy Framework, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (3) (2002) 211–221.
  • Arunachalam V, Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property rights: The latent logistics and the overt concerns, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (3) (2002) 222–232.
  • Wendt J & Izquierdo J, Biotechnology and development: A balance between IPR protection and benefit-sharing,Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (3) (2002) 233–240.
  • Nair M D, TRIPS and public health: The Doha Declaration, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (3) (2002) 241–244.
  • King K, The value of intellectual property, intangible assets and goodwill,Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (3) (2002) 245–248.
  • Koshy J, Jose R, John A M,Thomas J K, Kumar S S & Damodaran A D, High temperature superconductivity: Challenges in IPR Regime and Strategies for national initiatives, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (4) (2002) 295–307.
  • Mashelkar R A, Intellectual property rights and the third world, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (4) (2002) 308–323.
  • Swaminathan M S, The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act: From legislation to implementation, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (4) (2002) 324–329.
  • Dutt B, A study of patenting activity in Aloe vera, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (4) (2002) 330–341.
  • Nair M D, TRIPS and parallel imports — Impact on drug prices, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (4) (2002) 342–345.
  • Amaradasa R M W, Silva M A T De & Pathirage R P, Patents in a small developing economy: A case study of Sri Lanka, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (5) (2002) 395–404.
  • Nair M D, An industry in transition: The Indian pharmaceutical industry, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (5) (2002) 405–415.
  • Prajneshu M & Gupta V K, Intellectual property rights in sugarcane research, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (5) (2002) 416–422.
  • James T C, Indian Copyright Law and digital technologies, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (5) (2002) 423–435.
  • Starein W, A tool to enhance competitiveness of SMEs, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (5) (2002) 436–439.
  • Alikhan S, The role of copyright in the cultural and economic development ofdeveloping countries, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (6) (2002) 489–505.
  • Chandrashekaran S & Vasudev S,The Indian Plant Variety Protection Act beneficiaries: The Indian farmer or the Corporate Seed Company?Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (6) (2002) 506–515.
  • Suman Y & Gupta V K, Patenting issues in software industry, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (6) (2002) 516–525.
  • Nair M D, Protection of trade secrets/undisclosed information, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (6) (2002) 526–529.
  • Sahni M, Patenting in Saffron, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 7 (6) (2002) 530–535.
  • Gahukar R T, Issues relating to the patentability of biotechnological subject matter in Indian agriculture, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (1) (2003) 9–22.
  • Saha T K, Copyright Law in the changing world, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (1) (2003) 23–31.
  • Madhavan M,Use of copyright by open source software movement on computer software and its implications, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (1) (2003) 32–49.
  • Ranjan R, PCT System and its impact on the developing countries,Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (1) (2003) 50–57.
  • Mitra Y, Copyright protection of indirect copying of computer programs: Suggestions for Indian Courts, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (2) (2003) 103–111.
  • Rao M K D & Gupta V K, IPR and Sharing of biological research materials in R&D, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (2) (2003) 112–122.
  • Raina R K, Commercial transfer agreements of new plant varieties and materials thereof, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (2) (2003) 123–129.
  • Chow M & Fernandez D, Intellectual property strategy in bioinformatics, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (2) (2003) 130–137.
  • Farooq A, Liability limits of service providers for copyright infringement, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (3) (2003) 181–190.
  • Bandopadhyay S, Justifying the ‘Back-Step’: Establishing the foothold of reverse engineering within the indigenous ethical parameters of software copyright, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (3) (2003) 191–204.
  • Guruprasad K, Kanagavel P, Srikanth K, Radhika K & Sonal S, Analysis of US patents granted to Indian inventors, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (3) (2003) 205–212.
  • Livingston J D, India needs an Idea Bank to lead the world in intellectual property protection, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (3) (2003) 213–221.
  • James T C, Copyright issues in e-publishing, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (4) (2003) 269–275.
  • Thomas Z,Digital technologies and emerging copyright scenario, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (4) (2003) 276–301.
  • Lohray B B, Banerjee K & Panikar A, Contributory patent infringement and the pharmaceutical industry, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (4) (2003) 302–311.
  • Rajan M T S, Moral rights indeveloping countries: The example of India – Part I, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (5) (2003) 357–374.
  • Bhattacharjee S, Ambush marketing -The problem and the projected solutions vis-a-visIntellectual Property Law - A global perspective, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (5) (2003) 375–388.
  • Chaudhuri S K, Microbial biopiracy in India: How to fight back?Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (5) (2003) 389–399.
  • Oh C, IPRs and biological resources: Implications for developing countries, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (5) (2003) 400–413.
  • Rajan M T S,Moral rights in developing countries: The example of India—Part II, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (6) (2003) 449–461.
  • Madhukar A and Pal S K, Analysisof patents pertaining to arsenic removal from contaminated water bodies, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (6) (2003) 462–467.
  • Tripathi S K, Intellectual property and genetic resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: International, regional and national perspectives, trends and strategies, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (6) (2003) 468–477.
  • Ganguli P, Creating and embedding an Intellectual Property Rights Policy in an educational or publicly-funded research and development institution, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 8 (6) (2003) 478–485.
  • Srivastava S C, Geographical Indications under TRIPS Agreement and Legal Framework in India: Part I, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (1) (2004) 9–23.
  • Ganguly P, Intellectual property systems in scientifically capable developing countries: Emerging options, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (1) (2004) 24–33.
  • Gupta V K, Multi-disciplinary Studies on IPR in R&D: A Review, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (1) (2004) 34–42.
  • Kumar H, Border areas for the protection of intellectual property rights: An analysis, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (1) (2004) 43–50.
  • Srivastava, S C, Geographical Indications under TRIPS Agreement and Legal Framework in India: Part II, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (2) (2004) 105–119.
  • Kumari T V, Celebrity rights as a form of merchandise – Protection under the Intellectual Property Regime, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (2) (2004) 120–135.
  • Mukherjee S, Passing Off in internet domain names—A legal analysis, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (2) (2004) 136–147.
  • Biswas, S K De, Copyrightability of characters, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (2) (2004) 148–156.
  • James T C, Copyright Law of India and the academic community, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (3) (2004) 207–225.
  • Raju K D, WTO-TRIPS obligations and patent amendments in India: A critical stocktaking, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (3) (2004) 226–241.
  • Rao N H & Sastry R K, Towards a Policy for management of intellectual property in public agricultural research systems in India, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (3) (2004) 242–259.
  • Mukherjee S & Bhattacharjee S, Technology transfer and the intellectual property issues emerging from IT – An analysis from a developing country perspective, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (3) (2004) 260–274.
  • Ghatak P, Tripathi R C & Chakravarti A K, Digital Rights Management: An integrated secure digital content distribution technology, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (4) (2004) 13–31.
  • Chakravarthy K & Pendsey N, Research exemptions in Patent Law, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (4) (2004) 332–341.
  • Kochhar S, System perspective for IPR protection in The Plant Kingdom, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (4) (2004) 342–355.
  • Pandey S, Neighbouring rights protection in India, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (4) (2004) 356–370.
  • Nair M D, Compulsory licences imbroglio: Provisions under TRIPS and their interpretations, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (5) (2004) 415–423.
  • Ghosh S, Domain name disputes and evaluation of the ICANN’s Uniform Domain NameDispute Resolution Policy, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (5) (2004) 424–439.
  • Mittal R, P2P networks: Online piracy of music, films and computer software, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (5) (2004) 440–461.
  • Ravindran S R, Capacity building for innovation: Role of IP infrastructure, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (5) (2004) 462–470.
  • Kumar J, Biotechnology patenting, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (5) (2004) 471–480.
  • Mathew M, Hegde M & Garge G,Intellectual property in software: Insights for Indian business, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (6) (2004) 515–532.
  • Ravi S B, Effectiveness of Indian Sui GenerisLaw on plant variety protection and its potential to attract private investment in crop improvement, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (6) (2004) 533–548.
  • Nagarsheth A, Experimental use exception: An international and comparative overview with a possible answer to the forthcoming Indian Patent Legislation, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (6) (2004) 549–556.
  • Dalal P, The long arm jurisdiction of courts regarding Copyright Law in India, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (6) (2004) 557–567.
  • Verbauwhede L, Intellectual property and e-commerce: How to take care of a company’s website?, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 9 (6) (2004) 568–58.

Abstract Views: 98

PDF Views: 90

  • Contribution of Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in IPR Research: A View through the Articles Published in the First Decade of Twenty-First Century (2000–2004) — II

Abstract Views: 98  |  PDF Views: 90


Kanika Malik
CSIR–National Institute of Science, Communication and Policy Research(CSIR–NIScPR), New Delhi, 110 012, India., India
Aqa Raza
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, 131 001, Haryana, India., India


This Paper seeks to review the articles published in the Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR) in the first half of the first decade of the twenty-first century from Volume 5 (1) (2000) to Volume 9 (6) (2004). During this period, a total of seven post-independent IP legislations were enacted in the country. This Paper reviews the articles published in JIPR year-wise. Paper attempts to identify: (i) total number of issues published; (ii) total number of articles published; (iii) total number of contributions made by the Indian and foreign scholars; (iv) total number of sole and joint publications; (v) publishing style of JIPR; and (vi) area of IP covered in each volume. Dissemination of information is a necessary condition for creation of new knowledge. JIPR through an open-access platform has provided an opportunity to the IP scholars to publish their writings addressing the gaps in the areas ofIP. In the end, Paper develops an argument that JIPR has significantly contributed in the development of IP by disseminating IP information and knowledge and also in creating IP knowledge and awareness.


JIPR, IP Statutes, CSIR-NIScPR, CSIR-NISCAIR, IP Awareness, Articles, Copyright, Patents, Trade Marks, Geographical Indications, Trade Secrets, Industrial Design, Design, Integrated Circuit,Plant Varieties, TRIPS, WIPO, GATT, Treaties, Agreement, TKDL, Research, Development, Review, IP Publications, Publici Juris, Dissemination of Knowledge, Creation of New Knowledge, First Decade, 21 st Century.
