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A Comparative Study of Subject Headings in University Libraries in Karnataka

1 Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore- 570006, India
2 Department of DLISc, University of Mysore,Mysore- 570006, India

Subject cataloguing is considered more intellectually intriguing than the descriptive cataloguing. Quality of subject catalogues have been the area of interest for researchers. The present study attempted to analyse the subject catalogue records from four university libraries in Karnataka. The result showed that the subject access to the holdings of the university libraries need to be improved. Subject cataloguers have to pay immediate attention in improving the subject access.


Subject Headings, Folksonomies, Vocabularies, Subject Cataloguing, Subject Access, Tags, University Libraries, Karnataka, India.
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  • A Comparative Study of Subject Headings in University Libraries in Karnataka

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N. S. Harinarayana
Department of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore- 570006, India
Department of DLISc, University of Mysore,Mysore- 570006, India


Subject cataloguing is considered more intellectually intriguing than the descriptive cataloguing. Quality of subject catalogues have been the area of interest for researchers. The present study attempted to analyse the subject catalogue records from four university libraries in Karnataka. The result showed that the subject access to the holdings of the university libraries need to be improved. Subject cataloguers have to pay immediate attention in improving the subject access.


Subject Headings, Folksonomies, Vocabularies, Subject Cataloguing, Subject Access, Tags, University Libraries, Karnataka, India.
