Scientometric Study of Mathematics Research among BRICS Countries as Reflected in Web of Science Database During 2011-2015
BRICS has emerged as a major growing economic consortium. The five country group which is overtaking the elite developed nations and growing at a faster rate has various motives and visions in research sector as well. Hence this study, Scientometric analysis can be used to analyze the trends of mathematical research among the BRICS countries, it was found that, the combined publication output of BRICS steadily increased from 23.87% to 30.13%. The Mean Relative Growth Rates and Doubling time of the BRICS lie within close range to each other, though highest among them is 0.46 that of China and Doubling time equal to 1.74. The research trend in Mathematics was collaborative, as the 88% of articles are collaborative. The Activity Index was 1.18 and 1.17 for Russia and Brazil respectively in the year 2015. In the same year, the attractive indices were 0.11 for Russia and 0.10 for China and Brazil each. The Publication Efficiency Index was 0.16 for China and 0.15 for India in the year 2015.
Mathematics, BRICS, Literature Growth, Collaboration, Authorship, Scientometric Indices.
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