Characterization of Ag Doped SnO2 for Gas Sensing Application
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We used Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and impedance spectroscopy to study SnO2 doped by sputtered Ag atoms on its surface. The morphology of the surface texture showed large Ag islands in SnO2 bulk when the system was submitted to heating. These results were well confirmed by EDX spectrum, TEM scanning micrograph and impedance spectroscopy. Furthermore, TRIM software was used to show the effects of nuclear and electron stopping range on optical properties of the crystal Ag-SnO2 and the depth reached by Ag into SnO2 bulk.
Ag-SnO2, Doping, EDX, TEM, TRIM, XRD.
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