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Effect of Mean Stress, Stress Concentration and Inclusion on Fatigue of Different Materials

1 Mechanical Engineering Department, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

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Fatigue properties of materials are considered as an important parameter while selection of materials. Predominant material properties play an important role in estimating the remaining service life of critical components. The most common phenomenon of damaging metallic materials is fatigue. The fatigue is weakening of material caused by repeating & heavy loads. This is gradual and local damage to the structure that occurs when the material is periodically loaded. Fatigue may result in cracks which may cause fracture of material after sufficient number of fluctuations. Therefore, prevention of material from fatigue cracking is necessary. The fatigue crack develop due to parameters such as mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion were discussed. This paper reviews various experiment carried by different researchers on effect of mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion on fatigue of different materials were analyzed, studied and presented in this paper. The purpose is to identify effects of parameter such as mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion on fatigue to increase material resistance in various conditions.


Fatigue, Mean Stress & Prediction of Life, Stress Concentration & Inclusion.
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  • Effect of Mean Stress, Stress Concentration and Inclusion on Fatigue of Different Materials

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Pravin S. Nerkar
Mechanical Engineering Department, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Sanket J. Tawale
Mechanical Engineering Department, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Prachit P. Shrikhande
Mechanical Engineering Department, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Prajwal P. Pophale
Mechanical Engineering Department, St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Fatigue properties of materials are considered as an important parameter while selection of materials. Predominant material properties play an important role in estimating the remaining service life of critical components. The most common phenomenon of damaging metallic materials is fatigue. The fatigue is weakening of material caused by repeating & heavy loads. This is gradual and local damage to the structure that occurs when the material is periodically loaded. Fatigue may result in cracks which may cause fracture of material after sufficient number of fluctuations. Therefore, prevention of material from fatigue cracking is necessary. The fatigue crack develop due to parameters such as mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion were discussed. This paper reviews various experiment carried by different researchers on effect of mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion on fatigue of different materials were analyzed, studied and presented in this paper. The purpose is to identify effects of parameter such as mean stress, stress concentration and inclusion on fatigue to increase material resistance in various conditions.


Fatigue, Mean Stress & Prediction of Life, Stress Concentration & Inclusion.
