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Comparative Analysis of Temperature Profiles of Various Moving Heat Sources in Arc Welding in Different Geometries

1 Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad, India

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The paper presents the temperature profiles and thermal histories during arc welding in a flat plate, solid cylinder, hollow cylinder and hollow sphere in High Strength Low Alloy steel (HSLA) material. Four different heat source models namely circular heat source, hemispherical heat source, ellipsoid heat source and double ellipsoid heat sources of second-generation are applied. The temperature profiles on the weld surface are calculated. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed in order to generate the temperature distribution in different planes of the weldment using COMSOL Multiphysics. Experimental Investigations are carried out in four different geometries. The maximum temperature generated during arc welding is recorded thermocouples. Maximum temperatures obtained from theoretical calculations, numerical simulations and experimentation are compared. Close agreement is observed in the maximum temperature recorded. Variation in temperature distribution is observed between solid and hollow cross sections.


Temperature Profiles, Moving Heat Source, Numerical Simulations, Experimentation.
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  • Comparative Analysis of Temperature Profiles of Various Moving Heat Sources in Arc Welding in Different Geometries

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J. Kandasamy
Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad, India
P. Sai Mohith
Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad, India


The paper presents the temperature profiles and thermal histories during arc welding in a flat plate, solid cylinder, hollow cylinder and hollow sphere in High Strength Low Alloy steel (HSLA) material. Four different heat source models namely circular heat source, hemispherical heat source, ellipsoid heat source and double ellipsoid heat sources of second-generation are applied. The temperature profiles on the weld surface are calculated. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed in order to generate the temperature distribution in different planes of the weldment using COMSOL Multiphysics. Experimental Investigations are carried out in four different geometries. The maximum temperature generated during arc welding is recorded thermocouples. Maximum temperatures obtained from theoretical calculations, numerical simulations and experimentation are compared. Close agreement is observed in the maximum temperature recorded. Variation in temperature distribution is observed between solid and hollow cross sections.


Temperature Profiles, Moving Heat Source, Numerical Simulations, Experimentation.
